The LinkedIn Ad Grant for nonprofits

The LinkedIn Ad Grants for Nonprofits program

Not many nonprofits know that LinkedIn has an ad grant program, but it's only open to applications once or twice a year, it's quite restricted in the types of ad you can run, your nonprofit has to offer services that match one of LinkedIn's three priority topics, and only a limited number of nonprofits get the grant.

These were the priority areas when the grant opened to applications in January 2024:

  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Economic opportunity for professionals facing barriers
  • Environmental sustainability

How to apply for a LinkedIn Ad Grant

Visit LinkedIn for Nonprofits at where you can sign up to be notified when the Ad Grant program next opens for applications.

But... none of the nonprofits that I know who applied, heard back from LinkedIn, no rejection message even.

I'd love to hear from anyone who actually got one of these grants, and how useful it was to your nonprofit, so I can share that information with others.

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